Saturday, June 19, 2010

The final ASIFA-east meeting!

Was awesome. I could leave it there, I suppose, but then that wouldn't be a very eventful or descriptive... description.

So I was about 30, 35 minutes late for the event, which started at 7pm, because I get out of work at 7pm. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be allowed into the event, but all that happened was I awkwardly interrupted Frank Mouris speaking and was stared at by everyone as I took my seat (whew!).
I thought at first that I'd missed the actual screening, which would have made it a very short screening indeed, but luckily Frank was just getting started!
The films we watched were fascinating. I highly recommend looking Frank and Caroline Mouris up, see what you can find.
After the screening, a bunch of us went out to Rodeo Bar a few blocks away to hang out! It was great! Saw Christine and Caresse, who I haven't seen since graduation, as well as David Levy. Met a few new people and in general had a great time. Animation was talked about, career advice and commiseration was shared, politics and literature and comics and weird jokes surrounding beer, chicken wings and masturbation were thrown about.
Sadly this was the last event until September, but I'm hoping to catch a bunch of these people at the opening night of the Animation Block Party at the end of July.

Other than that, the stuff for the necklaces I'm making came in! So I spent a good amount of time today figuring out how to make glass tile necklaces. I'm opening a small store via etsy, so we'll see how that goes. Below are some thumbnails of the necklaces so far. Most of them are GLBT related - pride is next week and I figured it'd be a good way to introduce the stuff!

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