Monday, June 21, 2010

Starting up shop.

Ugh, I have a stomach ache from eating too much cereal.
You may wonder how one could get a stomach ache from eating cereal. It takes a lot of cereal. Trust me on this.

Anyway! Today I opened my etsy store! Woooo, we'll see how it goes. Right now all I have up are the necklaces that I've made, but I hope to expand with some other jewelry and perhaps some custom pillows. I think I'm also going to post some of my original work and try to sell prints. I'm also looking through the alchemy shops on etsy. Basically buyers post requests for work with a hoped for budget, and you as the seller can bid to create the item while offering your price. That might be the best way to get started, and will get me working on commissioned work.
Check out the store, see what you think!

I like the banner I ended up making for the shop. It's a rabbit and a goldfish nibbling on waffles. Basically the combination of bunnymermaid and waffle-sushi, my two main insignias, broken down. Here's the banner:

I'd considered adding bacon, simply because I found the idea of a rabbit and a goldfish nibbling bacon along with waffles pleasantly amusing. But bacon hasn't ever come into my other labels, so I ended up not. I suppose to make it truly a break down, sushi would have been better incorporated. I use the excuse that the goldfish can stand in for both sushi and mermaid.

I also finished painting moths bringing sleep to the eyes by burrowing into the circles around them. Ah, it's not as creepy as it might sound. Here it is.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The final ASIFA-east meeting!

Was awesome. I could leave it there, I suppose, but then that wouldn't be a very eventful or descriptive... description.

So I was about 30, 35 minutes late for the event, which started at 7pm, because I get out of work at 7pm. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be allowed into the event, but all that happened was I awkwardly interrupted Frank Mouris speaking and was stared at by everyone as I took my seat (whew!).
I thought at first that I'd missed the actual screening, which would have made it a very short screening indeed, but luckily Frank was just getting started!
The films we watched were fascinating. I highly recommend looking Frank and Caroline Mouris up, see what you can find.
After the screening, a bunch of us went out to Rodeo Bar a few blocks away to hang out! It was great! Saw Christine and Caresse, who I haven't seen since graduation, as well as David Levy. Met a few new people and in general had a great time. Animation was talked about, career advice and commiseration was shared, politics and literature and comics and weird jokes surrounding beer, chicken wings and masturbation were thrown about.
Sadly this was the last event until September, but I'm hoping to catch a bunch of these people at the opening night of the Animation Block Party at the end of July.

Other than that, the stuff for the necklaces I'm making came in! So I spent a good amount of time today figuring out how to make glass tile necklaces. I'm opening a small store via etsy, so we'll see how that goes. Below are some thumbnails of the necklaces so far. Most of them are GLBT related - pride is next week and I figured it'd be a good way to introduce the stuff!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ideas are good.

I'm working on a show pitch. It's a concept I came up with for Lisa Goldman's developing the animated series class, and with lots of encouragement from her and others I'm trying to pull it together into an actual possible series.
There's a lot to be said about the process of coming up with a show, sharing the plot and what I want to put into it, talking about what the reception has been so far, etc etc etc. For right now, I want to put down something I wrote into my sketchbook. It doesn't really center around the plot or concept of this show idea, but it is related. Ah, reading over it I suppose it needs a little context. The show is about all the mythologies and fairy tales of the world breaking into our own. A nine and a half year old boy is handed the fate of hero and told he gets to deal with it, try to make it right. So, here we go! A bit on my opinion (and just that, only my opinion) on the importance of myths and storytelling.

This show says that there is something to be learned from the imaginations. Curiosity has practical application - the silly, the fantastical, should not only be legitimate but also applicable and respected.
Kids are growing up fast, to use a cliche. The only response to trying to recapture and return the sense of roving wonder in a child, the mystic, has been to sequester it. To shove it in a protected corner, separate it entirely. Say it is the opposite of reason, maturity, logic and the adult, normal flow of thought. But it isn't. And to isolate it in this way steals some of its legitimacy - we are left only with a much more empty surface of bright colors and non-sequitur timing jokes.
(Aside - the over0use of the non-sequitur, without the explanation and without further content, rends the non-sequitur illegitimate. Because eventually, all you're left with is the non-sequitur, now based off nothing at all. There must be a foundation to parody, for the parody to work.)
Which have their place. But more can be done, which has not been done.
The fairy tale, the myth, is important because it teaches us from an early age to ask questions of images. We discover than an image, an object, an idea holds the key to many meanings, paths that contain fascinating adventure.
We learn the key faculty of not taking anything for its surface alone. We make an entertainment out of the process of thought, sharpening our ability to obtain knowledge to its fullest degree. This leads to a greater ability to apply reason and logic to all one learns.
That is why storytelling is so important.

That was all I wrote - but that is also why it's so foolish (again, in my opinion) to force imagination as separate from cognizant thought.

I have no idea if my show will encompass this. But it's something that I think is important and that I hope to be able to show some aspect of in all of my personal work.

In an entirely different note, there was an amazing ASIFA-East and WiA event last night (which rocked)! I'll post about that later on in the week! For right now, my mind is entirely on the show... I'm having lunch with Carrie over at Frederator, where I'm interning, to go over the show thus far. XD Exciting.

Gah, a picture. Hmm...

Yes, yes, it's life drawing that's already on my website. Ah well. I need to scan some new stuff.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Two big announcements!

Though quite different from each other, and yet related.

First off, the one that is more prevalent in my mind because I just got back from talking to Daisy Edwards, the director and creator, about the new project.... It's going to be amazing! It's a stop motion short centered around Anne Bonny, real life pirate and one bad ass chick. I've never worked on a stop motion piece before so I'm really excited to learn new stuff, sink my hands into the craft and of course just in general work on animation! I've been feeling the theater and set design bug, so I'm especially happy about this. This was our first meeting, so mostly we talked about how the concept was put together, bits of ideas here and there, what will be done, etc. Daisy is hoping to start some test animation in July, so we have to get cracking.
She's given me permission to blog about the progress as it comes along, so be prepared for random notes on my delve into stop motion. XD

The other announcement, which I've made for the past week but have been considering carefully and struggling with. I will not be traveling this year. I still want to travel, eventually, but for now I'm going to stay in NYC and work on my career. This isn't because it's what I "should" do - it's not even because I don't have the funds to travel. I could make it happen. It's because I've been spending most of the past month really buckling down to travel, and not feeling happy about it. When I'm looking over a script, painting, animating, talking about a film or planning out a storyboard, I'm truly happy. Besides happy, I'm content and feel deeply satisfied.
While I've always loved art and have enjoyed animation, I think I've tended towards taking care of other things as they come up and putting art and animation on a secondary level. The things I've taken care of have been valid responsibilities. Like working as a resident assistant, which I couldn't have finished school without. Or working many hours to pay rent and bills the first two years of college. But that has meant that I haven't had quite as much time to devote to my work. Which means that whenever my work has been up for critique, I've had the excuse that I didn't have a chance to truly show my best. And that's not valid. It doesn't satisfy me.
I've struggled a bit with it because I've had a set plan, all surrounding the idea of traveling for a year. While I already feel much better about staying here and working on animation, shifting an entire path is a little draining.
I'm really glad I'm staying in NYC.

In conclusion, three drawings I did as a set of illustrations based around Alice in Wonderland. I love Lewis Carroll.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hey what now?!

Actually, this is going to be a pretty chill post, despite the title. Wandering attention possibly due to two hours of sleep last night. XD I'm doing ok though, also possibly from bursts of sugar intake throughout the evening.

Oooh a whole ton of things going on. One big announcement that I think I'll hold off a bit more before announcing to the internet world. But it'll be a big shift.
I may be working on this awesome stop motion short about pirates - that's all I can share for now, since I'm not sure how much the creator/director wants to spread around. I read over the script and it's great. This film is going to be so much fun to work on! Before college, I liked stop motion but didn't really have an active interest in it. My like for it has been shaped and aged rather like wine (by being stuffed in a wooden casket in a basement?) so I'm excited to get my hands on this project.

In other side news, there is a screening being hosted by WiA at SVA, Tuesday night at 7pm. I work until then, but I want to run over as soon as I get out to go! If I can get there with enough time to take in what they're showing, I may try to write something up about it for ASIFA-east's newsletter. So... look out. XD

Ok. Apparently more tired than I thought. Following are two little doodle ink thingies. One is old and unfinished, the other is somewhat newer and finished. But that's due more to simplicity.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

A new blog

Here we go!

I'm starting up a blog here, moving away from the blog on my website. I like a lot of the blogs I've seen through blogspot so we'll see how I like using it for myself!

If interested, my old blog can be looked over here.

So I'm interning at Frederator Studios (which is awesome), working a mundane job as a bridesmaid consultant (not so bad) and have a few projects that I'd really like to devote more time to.
And I shall!
I'll post what and why and such later on. In the mean time, I'm looking forward to Tuesday night.... screening being presented by WiA and I haven't gone to any screenings in the past MONTH AAAAAH OUT OF THE LOOP.


Oh, I've decided right now that I will end every post with a picture of some kind. Thusly;